“I wanted something positive in my life - something to be part of - and I find that when I come here.”

— Eli (2023 summer program attendee)

  • seasonal Shelter

    The cornerstone of our work is our overnight hospitality centers, or shelters. the purpose of these shelters is primarily to keep folks alive when they can’t or won’t seek traditional shelter. we are an extremely low barrier provider, meaning there are absolutely no requirements to receive a bed and guests can stay as long as they need. the number of beds we can offer changes each season based on our partner and funder availability.

  • basic needs

    We provide nightly meals for all guests. meals are typically donated by local restaurants or volunteers. as able, we distribute things like winter coats, socks, batteries, and bus passes.

  • resource linkage

    our staff work with each guest to connect them to on and off site resources like housing location, medical care, and recovery services. guests are not required to participate in any programming and we take pride in listening deeply to their wants and needs.

  • heart & soul

    While our main focus is meeting basic needs and connecting folks to supportive services, we strive to provide bonus activities and programs that uplift and inspire our guests. homelessness is a traumatizing experience, and things like art, games, music, writing, and motivational speakers can make a huge difference in a person’s day. volunteers are welcome and encouraged to join for these soul sessions.

  • Summer programming

    Our overnight shelter season is november through april, but we offer resources year round! our summer program is a newer drop-in daytime offering that helps folks beat the heat and get connected to services & support. we have meals, speakers, & enriching activities for guests.

  • Awareness building & advocacy

    Our team regularly speaks at local houses of worship and community groups to raise awareness of the realities of unsheltered homelessness in cleveland. we host awareness building events and, alongside our partners, we help advocate for systems change through policy and funding recommendations.

how to access services

if you are experiencing homelessness, please contact coordinated intake.

when you call, trained staff will listen to your needs and connect you with an available shelter. Cleveland has several shelters including those specifically for men, women, families, and domestic violence survivors. these places typically have space available. their staff can connect you with housing, jobs, therapy and more.

If other shelters are not an option for you, you are welcome to access our seasonal shelter. we serve all adults (18+) regardless of gender (couples are welcome).

please keep in mind we are a small organization with space for 35 guests. we are unfortunately forced to turn folks away most nights.

The Metanoia Project hours are 6:00pm-8:00 AM. Provide meal and programming nightly.